Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reuse: Arts & Crafts

Recycling is a great way to solve the solid wastes hanging around your house and helping nature along the way, but what if those wastes cannot be recycled? Besides recycling, what other things can we do? Well, by reusing it of course! From what you can see from the pictures above, old biscuit tins and bottles are decorated (by our talented teacher Pn Faiza :D) and can be used to store household items like coffee and cocoa beans or sewing buttons and your favourite accessories. Moreover, it saves $$$ too!=

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Planting (26th August)

On 26th August on Wednesday, the SMART Ranger committee gathered at the school to start carrying out one of our action plans which is planting. With the guidance and help from our teachers Pn Faiza & Pn Hasnida, En Nafiz and the school gardeners, we loosened the soil and inserted the soil and fertiliser into polybags. Even though it was during the fasting month, all of us put in our efforts and hard work in making this program a success and the world a better place :)

Making compost and garbage enzyme using EM Bokashi method

Organic waste from the canteen is used to make fertilizer
Mr Nafiz giving training to the SMART Ranger students
mixing the organic waste with EM bokashi

Adapted from the SMART ranger website :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sorting recyclables and collection by Alam Flora

Different colours of bins represent different recyclables. The blue recycle bins are used for paper wastes while the red ones are for bottles and plastic wastes. These bins are labelled according to their respective categories and are distributed throughout the school compound. This step is vital to encourage recycling among the students and to ease the Smart Ranger committee to sort the recyclables out.

Recycling bins in the staff room. Even the teachers join in! :D

On every Thursday, the Smart Ranger committee and the students in groups or associations who are involved in the Smart Ranger competition collect recyclables all over the school and send them to the small building beside the canteen where further sorting process is carried out. The recyclabes are weighed and recorded according to the groups or associations to determine the winner of the bi-monthly competition.

Then it's up to the Smart Ranger committee to further sort the recyclables according to their respective categories and separate the non-recyclables. The paper is sorted according to its type such as white paper, mixed paper, newspaper etc., residues in aluminium cans and plastic bottles are emptied and then crushed, and the cardboards and beverage cartons (Tetrapak) are sorted using the "flip, flap, flat" technique. While the non-recyclabes are either have to be thrown out or reused like the plastic binding combs.

These techniques or art of recycling were taught by the Smart Ranger trainers during the workshop on 17th June at the MBPJ Library and with the guidance of our beloved teachers Pn Hasnida and Pn Faiza, the recyclabes are sorted out and stored for the authorities of Alam Flora to collect. Although it's quite a lot of work, strong determination and moral support from the teachers kept us going. And perhaps due to the free beverages, too :P All in all, it was a great experience to all of us in sharing our part in protecting the environment.

Some pictures above are adapted from the SMART Ranger website :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pelan tindakan

Berikut adalah pelan tindakan SMK Bandar Sri Damansara 1
1) Mengedarkan risalah berkaitan kitar semula

Ahli Smart Ranger akan mencetak bahan yang berkaitan dengan kitar semula dari internet dan mengedar disetiap kelas. Disarankan juga kepada ketua tingkatan untuk menampal di papan kenyataan kelas masing- masing. Risalah akan bertukar setiap hari Isnin.

2) Memurnikan papan kenyataan

Mempromosikan kesedaran kitar semula di papan kenyataan dengan menampal aktiviti Smart Rangers, berita terkini tentang alam sekitar, masalah global, berita kitar semula dan sebagainya.

3) Mengadakan pertandingan mengumpul bahan terbuang

Ahli Smart Ranger dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan (Tingkatan 2 dan Tingkatan 4) untuk mengurus dan menimbang bahan terbuang yang dibawa setiap hari Khamis pukul 2.15 petang. Pertandingan dibuka kepada 2 kategori iaitu, Menengah Atas (Johan, Naib Johan, Pemenang Ketiga), Menengah Bawah (Johan, Naib Johan, Pemenang Ketiga).

4) Menghasilkan Jus Sampah

Setiap ahli Smart Ranger memiliki sebotol jus sampah dengan pilihan buah masing- masing. Begitu juga dengan murid yang berminat, boleh membawa botol 5 liter serta kulit buah yang mereka peroleh. Tarikh akan ditulis pada setiap botol yang diletakkan di Bilik Masak (Bengkel Kemahiran Hidup). Guru Kemahiran Hidup akan membantu membuka botol dan mengeluarkan gas dari botol setiap minggu.

5) Membuat ceramah

Membuat ceramah secara berperingkat dimulakan dengan ahli Smart Rangers dan murid Tingkatan 4 dan 5 yang mengambil mata pelajaran Sains Tulen. Ceramah adalah berkaitan dengan “Effective Microorganisms

6) Pertandingan Fotografi

Terbuka kepada semua pelajar dan sesiapa yang bukan dari warga sekolah. Maklumat akan disebarkan dengan mengedarkan risalah kepada ibu bapa serta rakan- rakan murid- murid. Diadakan pada bulan Ogos dan diadili oleh Guru Penasihat Kelab Seni dan Guru Penasihat Persatuan Bahasa Malaysia.

7) Membuat kraftangan dari barangan terbuang

Mendapat sokongan padu dari Kelab Seni yang bercadang membuat mural dari bahan terbuang. Bahan yang dikumpulkan akan ditampal mengikut tema yang dirancang. Sehubungan itu pertandingan membuat kraftangan juga akan diadalkan untuk memeriahkan lagi aktiviti ini.

8) Aktiviti Kompos

Sisa pepejal dari kantin akan dibuat kompos. Cara yang digunakan ialah menggunakan tong sampah serta ‘EM’.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Weekly Activities

Separating and organizing paper wastes to be recycled:
Weighing recyclable wastes:Working on our decomposing site:

Thursday, July 2, 2009

aktiviti harian


Mulai sekarang setiap kelas dikehendaki menyediakan satu ruang di dalam kelas untuk mengitar semula. Barang yang perlu dikitar semula ialah kertas kertas yang terbuang atau surat khabar. Setiap pelajar dikehendaki mengitar semula sekurang-kurangnya satu surat khabar sehari. Pada setiap hari Jumaat beberapa ahli smart renjer akan mengutip kertas-kertas atau surat khabar yang anda hendak kitar semula

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our Organization Chart!

We Are Smart Rangers

Hello! We are Smart Rangers and we want to save the environment!

We had our very first seminar on the 17th of June with our teachers and fellow SMART Rangers and had learned a lot about the state of our Earth and how we can contribute to make it a better place for everyone to live in.

Monday, May 25, 2009

SMART Rangers - An Introduction

SMART (Start Managing All Resources Today) Rangers is an environmental education programme which has been designed for school communities to learn about the environment, particularly focusing on natural and non-natural resource management. It initially began with a focus on solid waste management, and was later developed into a full fledged programme by itself.

Solid waste management was seen as a major environmental issue in Malaysia when the SMART Ranger Programme was developed. The Global Environment Centre (GEC) saw the potential of proper solid waste management education for school children, and proceeded to tailor a programme for this purpose.

This comprehensive programme was a way to create awareness on the importance of recycling and reusing their waste, and further empower them to take action on their own. The basis of this programme follows the concept of “Civic Science”. GEC takes pride in being the first to introduce this.

*Civic Science is the process of bringing thoughts and issues from one’s mind into the heart. This is done by a simple method of enhancing awareness, providing the knowledge, and most importantly, the skills required to take action proactively on environmental matters.

For more information on SMART Rangers, please visit